Please be advised that Nevada does not license tax preparers, bookkeepers, or financial consultants. While these services are often performed by Certified Public Accountants other
individuals are also able to solicit public business without any regulatory licensure.
In accordance with Nevada Revised Statutes (NRS) 628.450 - 628.580, the terms Accountant, Accounting, Auditor, Certified Public Accountant, Public Accountant and the initials CPA
and PA are all protected language for individuals that are licensed as Certified Public Accountants in this state.
If an individual is "holding" themselves out to the public utilizing the above protected terms the Board can issue a cease & desist requiring removal of the term or the individual
will be referred to the local District Attorney's or Attorney General's office.
In the event the public is harmed by an individual that is offering services for tax preparation, bookkeeping or financial consulting and is not licensed, the only recourse
available would be through the legal system. This Board only has jurisdiction over licensed Certified Public Accountants.
The following are some helpful guidelines when looking for services that involve your finances:
If you are interested in the services of an actual Certified Public Accountant, do some research to assure that the individual is appropriately licensed. Often times, people
learn much too late that the person they thought was licensed isn't or that the license was revoked. Search our website or contact the Board office directly to inquire about
the status of the person you are interested in doing business with.
Request an engagement letter that identifies exactly the work to be performed along with a specific timeline for completion of the job. The engagement letter should also
disclose the approximate cost for the particular service.
It is always recommended when utilizing the services of CPAs or other individuals that you only provide copies of your records. Do not give your original documents to that
individual as it is sometimes difficult to retrieve them in the event you need to find services elsewhere.
Please be aware that the Board does not have jurisdiction over the fees that are charged by CPAs. A CPA must return all of the clients' original records once a demand has been
made for them, although the CPA can withhold certain work product documents until full payment has been received.