If you are a Licensed CPA or Examination Applicant and need to have your information verified to another State Board of Accountancy, please follow the steps below:
  1. Does the State that you are applying to have their own form that they require the Nevada Board to complete?
    If so you can email or fax the form to the Nevada Board office and we will complete the form.

  2. If the State that you are applying to does not require their own form to be completed, we will complete our form and send it to the State Board.

  3. To request a verification all you need to do is send a request to the Nevada Board office via email to

  4. When making your request let us know: (1) your name as we have it on record; (2) the State Board you are applying to; and (3) if the information is to be sent directly to the State Board OR if it is to be sent to you the applicant.

  5. Note: Nevada does not charge a fee for verifying licenses.